Why do people buy expensive paintings?

A painting is a powerful and elegant tool for influencing a person's mood, emotions, and soul. This is a unique class of objects because they are visible both as they are and as something completely different from just a canvas on which they are painted.


Destruction of the Spirit in Art

It all started at the end of the 19th century when the public finally recognized the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. At that time, the art market quieted down, with the best pieces scattered across museums and private collections, and the 20th century had arrived. Van Gogh had already shot himself, and Cézanne and Gauguin had almost sold out..

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Arnolfini Imago Mundi

The sculpture "Arnolfini Imago Mundi" is a mirror given to us by nature itself. This is what the image of the world says: "I am you, human. Doing much for comfort. And destroying the comfort of others for ambitions and dogma."
Visit... Gostev's Fine Art